San José needs Library advocates.

We invite you to join the advocacy wave that SJPLF is growing. Sign up for our monthly advocacy newsletter, which offers educational resources and notifications about opportunities to advocate for important issues.

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The City of San José is projected to face a deficit of roughly $80 million over the next five years, meaning that cuts to programs supported through the city’s General Fund are likely to be proposed. Nearly 80% of the Library’s budget comes from the General Fund, and most of these expenditures fund staff positions in critical public services.

Together, we can continue to drive positive change and ensure that our Library remains a beacon of knowledge and opportunity for all. See the talking points and contact information below to get started.

Talking Points

  • If local government budgets truly reflect the values of the communities they serve, I believe the City of San José’s budget should prioritize our public libraries.
  • It is critical that the San José Public Library has the resources it needs to serve our most vulnerable neighbors and build a more equitable, educated, and engaged community.
  • When library funding increases, our community is safer and stronger. An increase in library funding correlates with an increase in library usage. Greater library usage increases the overall literacy skills of our community, which creates more economic opportunity for its members and boosts our local economy.
  • Any continued cuts to Library hours, services, and staff will only exacerbate the growing digital divide in San José unless we invest in solutions now.
  • The Library has taken the lead in implementing the City’s Education and Digital Literacy Strategy. In order to sustain and build upon this work, we must continue to invest in the program.
  • I call on city leaders to fully fund our Library in order to ensure equity of opportunity for all of our residents.

Contact Your Councilmember

408-535-4800 |

408-535-4901 |

408-535-4902 |

408-535-4903 |

408-535-4904 |

408-535-4905 |

408-535-4906 |

408-535-4907 |

408-535-4908 |

408-535-4909 |

408-535-4910 |

To contact members of the San José City Council by mail, send to:

200 E. Santa Clara St.
San José, CA 95113